polyunsaturated fat

Research Highlights Key Benefits of Choosing Organic Meat, Milk

Like probably many of you, I have friends who have no clue why eating organic is a big deal. Prepare to show this piece to them the next time they laugh at you for spending a little extra on foods that aren’t genetically modified and covered in pesticides.
A new study analyzing data on milk and meat found that the organic varieties contain 50% more omega-3s than the non-organic types.

Is This Cooking Mistake Causing Premature Aging?

The fat you choose to use in cooking can make the difference between a meal that supports health and a meal that throws off free radicals (thought to be a primary cause of the degeneration we refer to as aging). The higher the cooking heat, the more likely you are to be bombarded with free radicals, set off by breaks in fatty acid chains. There are only a few fats that can defy oxidation and its cousin, rancidity. What’s the determining factor? It’s the stability of the fatty acid chain.