
Ending Pollution Requires a Change in Attitudes

Pollution has become an everyday affair; a murderous way of life which, according to a report published in The Lancet, is responsible for the deaths of at least nine million people every year. The air we breathe is poisoned, the streams, rivers, lakes and oceans are filthy, — some more, some less — the land littered with waste, the soil toxic.

The Unsung Epidemic

Nearly every American family has a cancer victim!
Chronic disease is the biggest epidemic ever faced. Yet, even though it touches almost every family, people are not tuned into this epidemic, as such, nor are the causes fully understood by the general public. It haunts society; it’s everywhere; it deforms, debilitates, and incapacitates. Is this the normal course of life or is something in the environment seriously amiss?

Dying Ecosystems

Earth’s ecosystems support all life, though collapsed ecosystems would be like stepping outside of the international space station not wearing a space suit. Pop! Bam! Gone!
A recent academic study about signals of ecosystem collapse throughout history fits the space suit analogy. Terrifying truth is exposed: The all-important biosphere is sending out warning signals of impending crises… worldwide. It does not seem possible that ecosystems collapse and life dies off.  That’s too hard to believe… but, what if it does collapse?

Borneo: Island Devastated, People Oblivious

She was just standing there, in the middle of burning land, surrounded by stumps of trees, fire everywhere, smoke rising towards a hopelessly gray sky. The expression on her face was mischievous, almost girlish. I had no idea how old she was: she could have been 28, just as she could easily have been 55.
This island, this village, this charred land: it all looked like hell to me, but obviously not to her: it actually made her laugh, burst with pride.

Pourquoi tout va s’effondrer (Vidéo)

Si vous pressentez que l’avenir s’annonce morose, qu’il y a peu de chance que tout ce bazar termine dans la joie et la bonne humeur, qu’il existe une infime chance que nous échappions à un effondrement systémique de la civilisation thermo-industrielles, vous n’êtes pas loin du compte. Dans cette vidéo, nous essayons – en nous appuyant sur les données disponibles […]

Pourquoi tout va s’effondrer (Vidéo)

Si vous pressentez que l’avenir s’annonce morose, qu’il y a peu de chance que tout ce bazar termine dans la joie et la bonne humeur, qu’il existe une infime chance que nous échappions à un effondrement systémique de la civilisation thermo-industrielles, vous n’êtes pas loin du compte. Dans cette vidéo, nous essayons – en nous appuyant sur les données disponibles […]