
In the Eye of the Crow

You ever wonder what a Martian might think if he happened to land near an emergency room? He’d see an ambulance whizzing in and everybody running out to meet it, tearing the doors open, grabbing up the stretcher, scurrying along with it. ‘Why,’ he’d say, ‘what a helpful planet, what kind and helpful creatures.’ He’d never guess we’re not always that way; that we had to, oh, put aside our natural selves to do it. ‘What a helpful race of beings,’ a Martian would say. Don’t you think so?
― Anne Tyler, The Accidental Tourist, April 2002

Over 75% of Earth’s Land Areas Are Now Broken: What That Means for You

(ANTIMEDIA) — According to the world’s first evidence-based assessment of the state of the planet’s land health, more than 75 percent of the Earth’s soil surface has substantially degraded, putting the well-being of some 3.2 billion people at risk. The new report, produced by the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES), took three years to compile and […]

Global Warming Zaps Oxygen

Take a deep breath. A recent scientific study reveals disturbing loss of ocean oxygen. Unnerving climatic events like this justify ringing and clanging of the bells on the Public Square, all hands on deck. In particular, and as expected, the culprit is too much anthropogenic-induced global warming or idiomatically speaking, human activities such as planes, trains, and automobiles… burning tons of coal. Somebody must do something to fix it… ah-ah-ah!
According to Denise Breitburg, lead author marine ecologist with the Smithsonian Environmental Research Center: