
Herr Trumpf: "I'm Not A Settler"... He Is A Liar Though

The point of watching Herr's Trumpf's statement above is really to show whomever doesn't already know, that he's either delusional or a bold-faced liar... or both. We'll get to the lies in a moment. But if you've been watching TV as much as Herr Trumpf does, you've seen the "settler" ads he subliminally referenced a couple times in his statement. You noticed, right? "And you know what? The United States should fight back also. We shouldn't just be settlers, we should fight back. And do what's right."Trumpf seems rattled by the traction that Trump-University-As-Scam seems to be getting.

War And Peace and Bush/Cheney... And The 2016 Election

Sunday after the hate-filled GOP debate in South Carolina, establishment Republicans, led by neocon sad sack Bill Kristol were all over the Twitter Machine claiming that no "reasonable" or "responsible" Democrat had gone as far as Herr Trumpf in calling out Bush/Cheney for lying us into the catastrophic Iraq War. Well, that's totally false.

Trumpf Says When People Call Him P.T. Barnum He Takes It As A Compliment

I'd venture to guess that most people who have heard of Phineas Taylor Barnum (P.T. Barnum) think he coined the phrase "there's a sucker born every minute." He didn't, nor did Donald Trump, but both men have lived their lives as though they did. Barnum plagued American for most of the 19th Century, a hustler who Trumpf has modeled himself on. He was a businessman/showman, author and politician (briefly).

Hillary Voted For The Bill That Resulted In The Deepwater Horizon Spill, Bernie Voted Against It

BP's 2010 Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill killed 11 workers and gushed oil into the Gulf of Mexico for 87 days (around 210 million gallons), the granddaddy of all marine oil spills. It may still be leaking. The oil ruined beaches in Louisiana and Florida, wrecked fishing industries and tourism, devastated wildlife populations and continues to cause serious illnesses among children along the coasts. The economic consequences were well over $100 billion. BP paid a big fine.