
Lyin' Ryan And His Death Spiral

According to his latest FEC filing at the end of March, Paul Ryan has already spent $2,586,047 this cycle and has a campaign archest of $9,399,416. Last cycle he spent $13,393,345-- against a vanity candidate the Democratic Party ignored and who spent a grand total of $16,890-- far less than the crackpot Trumpist, Paul Nehlen, who primaried Ryan from the right and spent $1,402,877.

Facebook begins ‘fake news’ crackdown with ‘disputed’ story tag roll out

RT | March 5, 2017 Facebook has begun rolling out its much hyped ‘fake news’ crackdown initiative, launching its ‘disputed’ news tag on stories deemed false by fact checking organisations working with the social media giant. The tool appears to have been unveiled without fanfare in the US, but some users have shared screenshots of […]

Can Foreign Leaders, Outside Of Putin, Trust Anything Trump Or His People Say?

Trump's fascinating hour and 17 minutes performance art piece Thursday-- one Republican senator, not amused suggested he should have done it privately, with a therapist, not on live TV-- was unmoored from objective reality. Subject by subject, getting at any semblance of The Truth was not on Trump's agenda.

All Hail The Gaslighter-in-Chief

Thursday night-- in a bizarre Adderall-fueled rant-- Señor Trumpanzee falsely claimed his inaugural concert was the biggest success in history. Unprecedented. People wondered if he was drunk. There were about 10,000 people. Obama's inaugural concert had drawn 400,000. Trump's a compulsive liar. PolitiFact has fact checked 358 controversial statements of his.

Can The Senate Democrats Derail Tom Price?

How do Ryan and the congressional Republicans get away with all the twisted lies and deceptions about healthcare? Watch the Jimmy Kimmel video up top-- and remember, that's in Los Angeles! People are morons? I'm afraid so. Otherwise Friday would be a day we'd either be pissed off that another corporate Democrat was being inaugurated or we'd be rejoicing that Debbie Wasserman Schultz failed and we'd be inaugurating the first president dedicated to working families since FDR.Did you watch the Price Senate hearings yesterday? How foolish and wasteful!

Paul Ryan Fully Embraces Trump's Style Of Post-Factual Governance

Alan Grayson will be out of Congress in two weeks, but he’s not stopping. He just filed a bill that makes president’s tax returns releasable under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). His bill is H.R. 6507 ands Paul Ryan will make sure it’s never voted on while he’s Speaker of the House, something we plan to end after the 2018 congressional elections.