
New Onset Type I Diabetes After COVID-19 mRNA Vaccination. Potentially Fatal Diabetic Ketoacidosis in Children Ages 5 to 12 Years Old

by Dr. William Makis, Global Research: Adults almost dying after mRNA; 16 cases Sep. 28, 2023 – 36 year old Australian woman, quadruple vaccinated with first two AstraZeneca and two Pfizer COVID-19 mRNA booster shots – almost died of New Onset Type 1 Diabetes and Diabetic Ketoacidosis 7 weeks after 2nd Pfizer and 4th COVID-19 […]

VIDEO: Israeli Jews, Together With Their Children, Spit On Christians in Jerusalem; Top Official Says It’s ‘Not Criminal’

by Chris Menahan, Information Liberation: Israeli Jews and their children were filmed spitting on Christian pilgrims carrying a cross at Jerusalem’s Lion Gate in video going viral on social media. WATCH: From The Middle East Eye, “Israel: Spitting on Christians in Jerusalem ‘not criminal’, says Ben Gvir”: Israelis were spotted spitting in the direction of Christians […]

Scientists Discover 500,000 Year-Old Wooden Structure – Predating Homo Sapiens

by Joe Martino, The Pulse: On Monday we published a story about how scientific misconceptions can shape our worldview. From worldview comes thought, feeling, emotion, action and being. The way we view ourselves, each other, and our relationship to reality (spirituality) all stem from our worldview. But what if the information, tradition, and culture that teaches us […]

Netanyahu’s New Middle East: How Does Israel’s Claim Line Up Against The Historical Record

On September 22, Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, delivered his first speech before the United Nations General Assembly since retaking office. In his address, he spoke of a “new Middle East” and held up a poster which incorrectly depicted “Israel” in 1948 and the territory it held, he went on to speak on how the Read More...

Pope Francis Scolds Americans as ‘Irresponsible,’ Demands Change to the ‘Western Model’

from American Media Periscope: Pope Francis had harsh words for Americans in a new document calling for action to address what he called a “climate crisis” in which “the world in which we live is collapsing and may be nearing the breaking point.” The pope released “Laudate Deum,” which is Latin for “Praise God,” on […]

New Month, Same Old Censorship From Big Tech

by Katie Pavlich, Townhall: It may be a new month, but Big Tech is using the same old tactics to target conservative media. Townhall has once again been labeled “harmful” and “unreliable” for daring to cover the issues that matter most to Americans.  Stories addressing the government’s response to COVID, the border invasion, climate change, […]

Exception To Cancel Culture: Calling For Killing Palestinian Children Is Fine In MSM

In the day and age of cancel culture, where it seems that anyone can be cancelled for nearly anything, there appears to be a loophole for a specific kind of racism and advocacy for murdering one group of people. If you call for the mass murder of Palestinian children, like Howard Stern, you won’t only Read More...

Covid Vaccine Mandates are Back — This Time in the ‘Deep Red’ State of Texas

by Kyle Becker, Becker News: Covid-19 vaccine mandates are back in one “deep red” state: Texas. “The implementation of vaccine mandates at one of the largest institutions in the red state of Texas has raised concerns over the diminishing state of health freedom while a law that would provide Texans with vaccine choice remains stalled […]