
It’s A Trap! The Wave Of Repercussions As The Middle East Fights “The Last War”

by Brandon Smith, Alt Market: Few people are familiar with a little event around 1200 BC called the Bronze Age Collapse in the region known as the Levant (now known as the Middle East). Most folks are taught that history and progress travel in a straight line and that each generation improves upon the culture […]

Facebook censors report on study about breast milk being found with mRNA particles from COVID-19 vaccines

by Laura Harris, Natural News: Facebook is once again in the middle of a controversy for censoring the information written in the article published by the alternative news outlet Public entitled “Covid Vaccine mRNA In Breast Milk Shows CDC Lied About Safety.” The article, which was based on a Lancet study, reveals that the breast milk of vaccinated pregnant mothers has traces of […]

Cornel West Runs for President: You Can’t Be a Spoiler if the System Is Already Rotten

Under the less than inspiring implicit slogan of “You’re Stuck with Biden,” the Democratic Party has foregone presidential primary debates this election season. Not even bothering with the pretense of democratic people’s choice, naked bourgeois rule is offered to their captured constituencies. Joe Biden’s approval rating has sunk to a dismal 40.5%. USA Today asks: […]

FBI Says No Credible Threats in U.S. – Meanwhile, NYPD Puts Police Resources on Patrol of Jewish Schools and Synagogues

from The Conservative Treehouse: NBC frames the FBI downplaying statement to suggest that MAGA extremists are stoking fears of militant Islamic attacks [SEE HERE].  Meanwhile the New York Police Dept and various other city law enforcement agencies around the country have been put on alert.   In summary, this is the political state of our FBI. […]

Watch: Pfizer Vaccine Distributed to Public Was Inferior to Shots Used in Clinical Trials

by John-Michael Dumais, Childrens Health Defense: Hebrew University scholar Josh Guetzkow, Ph.D., told John Campbell, Ph.D., the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine rolled out to the public has bacterial contaminants and lower mRNA integrity compared to the version Pfizer used in its clinical trials. The COVID-19 vaccine Pfizer-BioNTech rolled out to the world was not the same version […]

So-Called Asylum Seekers as Mercenaries

from Moonbattery: The invasion of the USA and displacement of its population by millions upon millions of welfare colonists from the Third World is not a spontaneous event. America’s destruction is a planned operation, organized by the nation’s enemies, both internal and external. We have seen the treasonous Biden Administration actively assist the largest invasion in […]