
Joe Biden Has A Very Odd-Looking Chin That Looks Like It Has Been Split Open As The Internet Wonders Why No One Is Talking About It

by Geoffrey Grinder, Now The End Begins: Joe Biden unintentionally broke the Internet yesterday when astonishing video of his nascent, and grotesque, chin malformation went viral on X Before we start talking about CIA masking and the use of body doubles, let me just say right from the outset that Joe Biden has had a lot of […]

EXCLUSIVE: 13 of 22 RINO Holdouts Derailing Jim Jordan Are Connected to FTX and Voter Mule Donations

by Erin Clements, The Gateway Pundit: CONGRESSMAN STEVE SCALISE (R-LA), WHO IS UNDERMINING JIM JORDAN FOR HOUSE SPEAKER, TOOK MONEY FROM SAM BANKMAN-FRIED’S ILLEGAL FTX CAMPAIGN FINANCE OPERATION, AS DID 13 OF THE 22 RINO HOLDOUTS According to Breitbart, Steve Scalise (R-LA) is the driving force behind the twenty-two RINOs who have prevented Judiciary Committee […]

US Conducts Chemical Explosion at Nuclear Test Site on Day Russia Pulls Out of CTBT

from Sputnik News: On 18 October, the lower house of the Russian parliament adopted a bill to revoke the ratification of the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty (CTBT) in the third and final reading. The US has conducted an underground chemical explosion at a test site in Nevada “to improve its ability to detect low-yield nuclear explosions […]

Poll: Joe Biden Trails Donald Trump in 5 of 7 Pivotal Swing States in Hypothetical Head-to-Head

by Nick Gilberson, Breitbart: Former President Donald Trump holds an advantage over President Joe Biden in a number of swing states — which largely decided the last two presidential elections — in a hypothetical head-to-head 2024 general election match-up, according to a comprehensive Morning Consult-Bloomberg News poll. Trump leads with registered voters in five of […]