
MANUFACTURED MILITARY MAYHEM: Was the Israel-Hamas War engineered by Mossad to test the IDF’s cyborg-directed army of alien-human hybrids?

from State Of The Nation: There’s something very wrong with the entire Israel-Hamas conflict narrative that begs questions way beyond the typical. Submitted by A Veteran Intelligence Analyst & Former U.S. Military Officer SOTN Exclusive First, read this to fully grasp just how advanced post-modern warfare has really become. How AI-Controlled Cyborgs & AI-Automated Targeting Weapons Systems […]


by Jim Quinn, The Burning Platform: So it begins. As we’ve seen in the Big Short movie/book, the timing of financial implosions is always difficult to predict, but the inevitable outcome of loaning money to people who can’t or won’t pay you back ALWAYS results in a financial crash/crisis. It has begun. First subprime auto […]

Establishment Now Using ‘Hamas’ as Excuse to Demonize, Target Bitcoin

from 21st Century Wire: Every time a geopolitical flashpoint emerges, or some emotive ‘terrorism’ event plays out, the western Establishment will not let such a crisis go to waste. Specifically, they will use any opportunity or incident to blame Bitcoin, claiming that the cryptocurrency is somehow responsible for financing acts of terrorism. That said, due […]

Five Ways Your Health Is Under Attack – And How To Protect Yourself

Your body, mind, and spirit are under attack. It’s time to fight back. In the course of my work as an independent journalist I have explored many important topics which provide crucial context on the pressing issues of the day. This has ranged from geopolitical discussions, political corruption, child abuse and trafficking rings, and so Read More...

Is America Preparing for Nuclear War? Explosion at Nevada Nuclear Test Site

by Jack Phillips, Global Research: Federal officials this week tested an explosion at the Nevada National Security Site that was led by the National Nuclear Security Administration, according to a statement. on Wednesday, said the Department of Energy in a press release. It said that the reason for the test was to improve how military […]

WashPo: Ukraine’s SBU, Clandestinely Trained by CIA, Assassinated Daughter of Russian Intellectual

by Chris Menahan, Information Liberation: Ukraine’s domestic security service (SBU) has been receiving clandestine training from the CIA for eight years and used said training to assassinate Darya Dugina, the daughter of Russian intellectual Alexander Dugin, the Washington Post reports. SBU sources boasted about the assassination — which they previously denounced as terrorism — and […]