
End Of The Culture Wars? Corporate America Seemingly Backing Away From “Woke” ESG Agenda

by Matt Agorist, The Free Thought Project: (RT) From Hollywood studios to beer makers and personal hygiene brands, for the past decade corporate America has been pushing increasingly progressive ideology, often to the outrage of a large portion of its target audiences and even to the detriment of its sales. But judging by recent statements made […]

Shadow Armies Are Waging an Invisible War on Us All

by Josh Walkos, Activist Post: The Global Information Battlefield and the Censorship Machine The world of psychological operations and information warfare is complex and often controversial. Our investigation explores the role of the United States government in this sphere, its partnerships with private enterprises and academia, and the emergence of a new Department of Defense […]

The Power of Confronting Members of the Political Class

It’s time to revive the time-honored tradition of confronting members of the political and intellectual class. On Friday, October 27, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton joined Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee at a rally for her campaign for mayor of Houston. As an estimated 250 Houstonians cheered at the sight of Clinton and Jackson Lee Read More...

Why are we only now hearing about the “Anthony Fauci-run lab in MONTANA that experimented with a coronavirus strain shipped in from Wuhan a year BEFORE the Covid pandemic began”?!

from State Of The Nation: SOTN Editor’s Note: What is quite astonishing about the following exposé is that the inimitably treacherous Dr. Fauci was able to keep his Montana biolab under wraps for so long. After nearly fours years of extensive investigations into the true origins of COVID-19, the following bombshell disclosures are being made […]