
NEW – Newsom on Xi’s visit: “I know folks say, ‘Oh, they’re just cleaning up this place because all these fancy leaders are coming into town.’ That’s true because it’s true.”

NEW – Newsom on Xi's visit: "I know folks say, 'Oh, they're just cleaning up this place because all these fancy leaders are coming into town.' That's true because it's true."pic.twitter.com/qxp8UXZUuW — Disclose.tv (@disclosetv) November 13, 2023

Wicked, Wicked Doctors put “climate change” above patients’ interests

by Rhoda Wilson, Expose News: Ahead of COP26 held in Glasgow in 2021, BMJ published an editorial which urged doctors to think less about the health of their patients and more about the health of the planet. The editorial claimed that medical treatment contributes significantly to “greenhouse gas emissions” and that this carbon footprint can be reduced if […]

Archbishop Viganò: Bergoglio’s removal of Bishop Strickland is a cowardly form of authoritarianism

by Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, LifeSite News: To remain silent and endure this umpteenth violation of the most basic principles of justice and truth is to make oneself complicit with a subverter. The removal of His Excellency Bishop Joseph Strickland, especially after the failure to ambush him with the Apostolic Visitation, appears as a cowardly […]

What Satanists Do When Not Pushing Democrat Agenda

from Moonbattery: Although they often promote the liberal agenda (e.g., abortion [here, here], transsexualizing children [here, here]), Satanists differ from traditional Democrats in that they are not political 100% of the time. This behavior does not seem to promote the agenda: A janitor at a New Jersey elementary school went online to brag about how he had contaminated food […]

The Biden Regime Is Pursuing Total Domination of Americans’ Digital Lives

by JD Rucker, The Liberty Daily: Joe Biden’s administration has recently taken unprecedented action to exert influence over Americans’ digital lives, including broadband internet, net neutrality, social media and artificial intelligence (AI). The Biden administration is pushing for the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to claim substantial control over the internet, pursuing a court ruling to […]

Billionaire Zionists Pledge $50 Million to Control Media as Worldwide Support for Mass Murder and Genocide of Palestinians Dwindles

by Brian Shilhavy, Health Impact News: The mass murder of the Palestinian people in Gaza just continues going from horrible to apocalyptic, as American Zionists cheer the genocide. It is being widely reported today that Israel is attacking hospitals in Gaza where women and children are seeking refuge, particularly al-Shifa Hospital where infants were reportedly […]

WATCH: Militarized FBI Engages in Disproportionate 48-Hour Manhunt for Jan 6 Protestor

by Natalie Winters, The National Pulse: Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) agents in military-style garb have hunted down a man “wanted in connection with the January 6th attack on the U.S. Capitol” who fled into the woods after a SWAT team descended on his New Jersey home. Forty-seven-year-old Gregory Yetman, who was a National Guard […]