
Brawls Nearly Erupt on Capitol Hill; More Jews Are Buying Guns

by Paul Dragu, The New American: The House voted 336 to 95 to pass a short-term, laddered, continuing resolution that will fund the government through early next year. But it’s not policy that stirred the most chatter on Capitol Hill yesterday — the division and acrimony almost erupted into fist fights on two separate occasions. […]

‘In the Old America, This Would Provoke an Uprising’

by Jack Cashill, American Thinker: No stranger to hypocrisy, Hillary Clinton set a breathtaking new standard with her denunciation of convicted meme jokester Douglass Mackey.  The context was an April 2023 discussion with former House speaker Nancy Pelosi at the Columbia University School of International and Public Affairs, where Hillary is reportedly a professor. “Democracy requires at least […]

WEF Backs Facebook’s Plan to Enslave Humanity

by Frank Bergman, Slay News: For the past few years, Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg has been pumping billions of dollars into his plan to enslave humanity in the “Metaverse” –  a digital “reality” that he’s created and controls. Zuckerberg is absolutely dedicated to his vision of the public “living” their lives in the Metaverse. So […]


from SGT Report: Dr. Jerome Corsi returns to SGT Report to expose the enemies of humanity and our beloved Republic of the United States: The neo-Marxist and cultural Maoists who do the bidding of their criminal satanic bankster masters. Get GUT HEALTHY! Get the FREE video report from Dr. Gundry here: https://gutcleanseprotocol.com/SGT ————— Protect Your […]

Globalist death cult’s ‘trans’-human digital agenda demands your submission, or else…

by Leo Hohmann, Leo Hohmann: It’s rare, but every now and then you come across someone who seems to fully understand the anti-human nature of the globalist agenda being pushed on society today by the United Nations, World Health Organization, World Economic Forum, Club of Rome, Trilateral Commission, et al. It’s an agenda which I […]