
Argentina Just Elected a Libertarian President & the MSM Hates Javier Milei

by Fabian Ommar, The Organic Prepper: Their team won the World Cup last year, and beautifully so. This last weekend, Argentina scored even bigger – a win for freedom – by electing libertarian Javier Milei with 55,7% over left-wing Peronist candidate Sergio Massa (14 against 11 million votes, respectively). Now, I’m not one to have […]

WATCH: Air Marshals National Council Director STUNS Fox News Host When She Reveals Marshalls Are Quietly Following Every Person Who Flew to DC Around January 6, 2021

by Jim Hoft, The Gateway Pundit: Sonya Labosco, Director of the Air Marshals National Council said Air Marshalls are quietly following Americans who flew into the DC area around January 6, 2021. Labosco said Air Marshals are no longer going after terrorists or the bad guys because they are now stalking and following every single […]

A Shocking New Survey Reveals The Greatest Threats That Preppers In The U.S. Believe We Are Facing

by Michael Snyder, End Of The American Dream: I was very surprised by the results of a survey of preppers that was recently conducted by Fortitude Ranch.  The CEO of Fortitude Ranch, Drew Miller, says that preppers are “folks who watch events and read up on threats” and so they have a really good feel for what […]

What If the Constitution No Longer Applied? Freedom’s Greatest Hour of Danger Is Now

by John W. Whitehead, Rutherford Institute: What if the rights and principles guaranteed in the Constitution have been so distorted in the past 200 years as to be unrecognizable by the Founders? What if the government was the reason we don’t have a Constitution anymore? What if freedom’s greatest hour of danger is now?”—Andrew P. Napolitano […]