
Common Drug Used by Pork Industry Has Human Cancer Risk

by Dr. Joseph Mercola, Mercola: STORY AT-A-GLANCE November 7, 2023, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration announced it is considering withdrawing approval for the antibiotic carbadox, which is added to pig feed to prevent infections and fatten up the animals, due to cancer concerns The drug has been banned in the European Union since 1999, […]

Biden administration’s 2023 Thanksgiving address leaves out God

by Ashley Sadler, LifeSite News: The secular address stands in stark contrast to the God-centered proclamations issued by former president Donald Trump, who mentioned God repeatedly in all of his Thanksgiving proclamations and called on Americans in 2020 ‘to gather, in homes and places of worship, to offer a prayer of thanks to God for […]

Wrist Slap for Buttigieg’s Kiddie Porn-Prone Protégé

from Moonbattery: Former College Park, Maryland Mayor Patrick Wojahn, previously featured in a Profile in Sexual Diversity, has been sentenced after pleading guilty to 140 child pornography charges. Considering that he is a protégé of Pete Buttigieg, who holds a cabinet position specifically because he too is a prominent member of the LGBT community, no one will […]

Maoist Revolution Survivor Exposes Parallels Between China’s Cultural Revolution and Wokeism

from The Epoch Times: The real goal of the woke revolution sweeping America today is “to change the [American] culture and to destroy everything [of] the past: the traditional value, Although communist China and America have different cultures, a Chinese Cultural Revolution survivor said that when the Maoist Cultural Revolution in China and what is […]

The Campaign To Dissolve and Replace America’s National Identity

by Patricia Anthone, America Outloud: “You can’t legislate morality,” we often hear people say of the endless disregard for the rights of others. This common lament can even be heard from ostensible conservatives about the callous disregard for even the most defenseless human beings that is shown by a fast-growing portion of society.      […]