
Restaurant That Ejected Family of Trump Spokeswoman Closes!

by Bob Unruh, The Gateway Pundit: ‘Telling 2/3 of the local population’ they are unwelcome is not the best business strategy Apparently telling two-thirds of the local population they are not welcome at your business is “not the best business decision,” suggests a report at National File about the closure of the “Commie Cluck” restaurant. TRUTH LIVES […]

Poll: Donald Trump Increases Lead over Biden, Garners 64% Support in Primary

by Nick Gilbertson, Breitbart: Former President Donald Trump has the edge over President Joe Biden in a hypothetical general election race and dominates the Republican primary field, according to Emerson College Polling’s latest national survey. The poll, published on Wednesday, shows Trump with a four-point advantage over Biden in a two-man race for the White House among […]