
America’s Dangerous Desire to Demonize Masculinity Must Stop

from The Epoch Times: In recent years, it has become frighteningly common to hear the word “toxic” followed by the word “masculinity.” According to a recent study out of the UCSF School of Medicine, the average American female now lives 5.8 years longer than the average American male. The gap hasn’t been this big since 1996. Speaking […]

Brace Yourself For What’s Coming In 2024: Victor Davis Hanson Warns The Left Knows They’re “Cooked” If “Vampire” Trump Wins

from ZeroHedge: In his ubiquitously calm, reasoned, non-ad-hominem, and ruthlessly fact-driven few minutes, Victor Davis Hanson dives into the left’s apparent hysteria at the looming shadow of Donald Trump’s potential return. Hanson articulates a sense of deep-rooted fear among Trump’s opponents, summed up perfectly as follows: TRUTH LIVES on at https://sgtreport.tv/ “they look at Trump as […]

COVID-23 First Announced

by Martin Armstrong, Armstrong Economics: Here we go again – the World Health Organization has requested information from China in regard to a new respiratory illness and clusters of pneumonia in children. Chinese authorities are blaming the lack of COVID-19 regulations/lack of continued government control in the name of public health. The WHO said that the […]

Hamas Is A Vile, Degenerate Terrorist Organization Yet They Seem To Have The Support Of The United Nations And Global Media Who’ve Sided Against The Jews

by Geoffrey Grinder, Now The End Begins: The first hostage release by Hamas has confirmed some very telling facts about the terrorists: 1) They’re ruthless liars; 2) they’ll victimize anyone they can, and 3) they think they can get America to break with Israel. TRUTH LIVES on at https://sgtreport.tv/ Think about this. Hundreds of “radicalized” kids rampaged […]

Never Stop Being Shocked By The Depravity Of The Empire

by Caitlin Johnstone, Caitlin Johnstone: If you’re still finding yourself shocked and shaken by the actions of our rulers, that’s a very healthy sign. It means they haven’t got you yet. A friend of mine shared my article about how the Biden administration is worried the pause in fighting will allow journalists into Gaza to show Israel’s […]

FDNY Firefighter Sues NYC for Vaccine Injury — “I thought I was going to die after that second dose.”

by Michael Kane, Activist Post: BIG SHOUT OUT to Bravest for Choice for getting this critical info out there. Great report from NY POST. From the report: (FDNY FIREFIGHTER) Pastrana, 37, got the jab in October 2021 because the city required it, and had an immediate allergic reaction, including swollen lips, chills and body aches. Despite three trips […]

VAERS Is Broken

by John Leake, Lew Rockwell: The BMJ (British Medical Journal) recently issued a report titled: Is the US’s Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System broken? Phrasing the title as a question is purely rhetorical. Anyone who reads this alarming document will conclude that VAERS is as broken as the BluesMobile upon its arrival at the Cook County Tax Assessor’s Office […]