
Pennsylvania Voters Reach ‘Peak of Mistrust’ After Voting Machines Glitch for Second Time

by Olivia Rondeau, Breitbart: Pennsylvania voters are doubting the integrity of local elections in the swing county of Northampton after issues with touchscreen voting devices arose on the most recent Election Day. The glitches were similar to those seen in the county’s 2019 judges race. Election officials are scrambling to ensure trust in the voting […]

Max Blumenthal Responds to Haaretz Accusations re His October 7th Article

Read Max Blumenthal’s original article on our website here. Haaretz has published a Hebrew-only attack on my investigation into Israeli friendly fire deaths on October 7. It calls my article the “cornerstone of the massacre denial conspiracy” and predictably accuses me of “‘journalism’ worthy of Der Sturmer.” Haaretz proceeds to accuse me of “manipulation” by quoting a wide variety of […]

Don’t worry. The “Counter Disinformation Project” will go after the evildoers!

by Steve Kirsch, Steve Kirsch’s newsletter: I was just contacted by this organization. So awesome that we now have a organization that will expose the people who spread misinformation, isn’t it? Executive summary The “Counter Disinformation Project” can be found here. On a typical story, they get around 1 like and no comments. So it’s super […]

EXPOSED: Bill Gates’s Relationship with Convicted Pedophile Jeffrey Epstein Revolved Around a Global Health Investment Fund

by Seamus Bruner, Breitbart: Earlier this month, I revealed that one of Bill Gates’s most powerful business partners, JPMorgan Chase, had reached a combined $365 million settlement with Jeffrey Epstein’s victims and the U.S. Virgin Islands, which a federal judge approved on November 9. My new book Controligarchs: Exposing the Billionaire Class, Their Secret Deals, and the Globalist Plot to […]

There’s only one way to deal with the cultural marxist revolution destroying the American Republic today and that is to…..

from State Of The Nation: …crush it before it crushes US out of existence forever. SOTN Editor’s Note: The following analysis represents the grim reality that the Patriot Movement faces today.  It also presents the ONLY way out of the rapidly devolving predicament throughout the 50 states. TRUTH LIVES on at https://sgtreport.tv/ In point of fact, the New […]

4 Precautions to Take in Anticipation of the Next Fake Disease

by Paul A. Philips, Activist Post: Remember, Bill Gates didn’t say it could happen again. No, he said unequivocally; “there will be another global pandemic.” So be highly suspicious. The next fake disease could be looming on the horizon. Be prepared. Be health savvy. Be willing to push back against THEY (The Hierarchy Enslaving You) to mitigate their attempts […]