
N95 masks expose wearers to dangerous levels of toxic cancer- and seizure-causing compounds, study finds

by Ethan Huff, Natural News: The National Institutes of Health (NIH) has re-shared a study emphasizing the fact that wearing an N95 face mask for any reason can expose wearers to dangerous levels of deadly chemicals. Researchers from Jeonbuk National University in South Korea evaluated two different types of disposable medical-grade masks, as well as several types of reusable […]

Elon Musk Says Advertisers Are Attempting To Blackmail the Platform To Censor, Tells Corporate Advertisers: “Go Fuck Yourself”

by Cindy Harper, Reclaim The Net: “That’s how I feel, don’t advertise,” Musk said. Elon Musk has expressed strong disapproval towards major advertisers withdrawing their support from his social media platform, X. He accused these companies of attempting to coerce the platform and even risk its financial stability, bluntly telling them, “Go fuck yourself… Go. […]

The Significance Of America’s Fallen National Christmas Tree

by Michael Snyder, The Economic Collapse Blog: America’s National Christmas Tree fell down this week.  That tree is the most important national symbol of our most important national holiday.  The National Christmas Tree lighting ceremony has been performed every year since 1923, and so the falling of the tree has happened as we approach the centennial […]

Tony Blair: “You Need To Know Who’s Been Vaccinated & Who Hasn’t”

by Niamh Harris, The Peoples Voice: Former British Prime minister Tony Blair continues to push for vaccines and vaccine passports. During a WEF discussion earlier this year, the war criminal said we “need to know who has been vaccinated” TRUTH LIVES on at https://sgtreport.tv/ Yahoo News reports: In a World Economic Forum discussion on containing the next major viral […]

Inside The UN Plan To Control Speech Online

from Great Game India: The UN plans to control speech online by imposing international laws through organizations like governments and corporations. Proponents of free speech and prominent US legislators are alarmed by a United Nations agency’s proposal to control social media and internet communication while pursuing a tough stance against what it refers to as […]

Navy Whistleblower Exposes ‘937% Surge in Heart Failure’ Among Vaxxed Pilots

by Frank Bergman, Slay News: A U.S. Navy medical officer has blown the whistle and gone public with explosive internal data regarding surges of serious health issues among vaccinated military personnel. Lieutenant Ted Macie has selflessly waived anonymity in order to raise the alarm about the startling number of troops suffering potentially fatal heart-related problems. […]