
CCP Behind Plans To Make Americans Addicted to Drugs, Former DEA Boss Warns

by Jake Welch, The National Pulse: The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is orchestrating a “strategic plan” to exacerbate America’s fentanyl crisis impacting millions of Americans across the country to supplant the United States as the world’s leading power, former Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) director of special operations Derek Maltz Sr has suggested. There is mounting evidence of […]

COVID vaccine database administrator goes rogue, reveals how many people actually died from Pfizer jab…

from Revolver News: The world has been subjected to a massive deception. It’s almost as if all the so-called “experts” conspired to deceive everyone regarding the COVID-19 pandemic. From the origin of the virus to the death toll, masks, lockdowns, and finally the vaccine itself, it appears that everything was part of a grand illusion, […]

The Government Red List Just Got A Whole Lot Bigger As The ‘Red Pilled’ Have Been Added To The List Of Govt Targeted Citizens- Any Doubts Whatsoever That America Has Become A Police State Have Been Put To Rest

by Susan Duclos, All News Pipeline: For those who have not seen the Matrix movie series, the star Neo, played by Keanu Reeves, was given a choice to take a blue pill and go home and back to sleep without knowing the truth or to take the red pill and be awakened to the truth of […]

New World Order Icon Henry Kissinger Dead At 100, Was Mentor To Klaus Schwab And WEF, And Founding Member With David Rockefeller In Bilderberg Group

by Geoffrey Grinder, Now The End Begins: Henry Kissinger is dead at 100, but his New World Order legacy continues in the form of his mentee Klaus Schwab, the World Economic Forum and the Bilderberg Group This is a tale so unbelievable and fascinating that we will need the entire Podcast tomorrow to bring it all […]


from SGT Report: Award winning investigative journalist Gemma O’Doherty blows the whistle on the psyops and false flags now occurring in the [nearly] conquered nation of Ireland. Get Gemma’s incredible newspaper THE IRISH LIGHT for FREE right here: https://irishlightpaper.com/ GET C60 EVO! Feel Focused & Energetic. Click below. https://www.c60evo.com/sgtr Save 20% on subscription, use coupon code […]

Businesses in ‘George Floyd Square’ in Minneapolis Sue Over Rampant Crime

by Mike LaChance, The Gateway Pundit: As far back in April of 2021, black business owners were complaining about crime in George Floyd Square. Now lots of businesses in this neighborhood are feeling the pain and are suing over it. Do the people who are committing all of these crimes think they’re honoring Floyd’s memory by […]