
Texas Sues Pfizer for ‘False’ and ‘Deceptive’ Marketing of COVID Vaccines

by John-Michael Dumais, Childrens Health Defense: Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton on Thursday sued Pfizer alleging the drugmaker misrepresented the effectiveness of its COVID-19 vaccine and attempted to censor public discussion of the product. Experts claim the suit may succeed in sidestepping the PREP (Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness) Act’s liability shield. Texas Attorney General […]

Globalism Is a Disease That Deprives Life of Meaning

by J.B. Shurk, American Thinker: Two recent statistical surveys keep bouncing around in my head.  One study concludes that one out of every four young people in the world feels lonely today.  The other study finds that 72% of Americans have no interest in defending the United States in a major war.  In other words, a quarter of the planet’s emerging leaders […]

Why Are Searches For ‘Trailer Park Near Me’ Erupting?

from ZeroHedge: The eruption in Google searches for “RV lot near me” has hit a five-year high. The reason for the surge remains unclear but could be attributed to the worsening housing affordability crisis ushered in by the failure of ‘Bidenomics.’ Earlier this year, we noticed in several RV Industry Association’s industry reports (read here) that […]

Senate Republicans Call on Biden to Implement China Travel Ban amid Spike in Mystery Illness

by Frank Bergman, Slay News: Republican senators are calling on Democrat President Joe Biden to implement a travel ban on China amid the spike in a mystery respiratory illness that is spreading across the communist state. A group of five Senate Republicans signed a Friday letter to Biden. The following senators signed the letter: TRUTH […]