
The Jan 6 Committee Depositions Have Been Destroyed, Reveals Congressman

by William Upton, The National Pulse: Rep. Barry Loudermilk (R-GA) says the video depositions of witnesses for the Democrat-controlled January 6 Committee – including Cassidy Hutchinson among others – have been destroyed. According to Loudermilk, Rep. Bennie Thompson (D-MS) – who chaired the partisan committee – did not believe preserving the video data was necessary. Loudermilk says when he asked Thompson for the files, […]


from SGT Report: Harley Schlanger is back to diffuse the propaganda coming from the Vatican and the house of Rothschild about ‘inclusive capitalism’. Harley suggests the term ‘global feudalism’ is a far more accurate description of what these demon creatures have in store for us. 🍃 Help take years off the clock with Collagen🍃 –> http://healthwithsgt.com/ […]

The Fools On Capitol Hill

by Philip Giraldi, The Unz Review: Washington is run by Israel’s proxies Americans remain largely ignorant about the extent to which foreign influence pervades the United States government, and I am not referring to the fraudulent claims made by Hillary Clinton that Russian has interfered materially in US elections. The real threat comes from elsewhere. […]

Scott Ritter: US Pushing Nuclear Arms Race ‘Can Only Have Tragic Ending’

from Sputnik News: The US has steadily fallen behind Russia and China in terms of strategic competition, while still insisting on pursuing conflict with both nations in an attempt to reassert its claimed superiority. That situation is ripe for producing a disastrous outcome, an analyst told Sputnik. In early November, a scheduled test of an […]

Father Says His Daughter Was Concussed by a Transgender Volleyball Player, Knocked Out for the Entire Season

by Warner Todd Huston, Breitbart: A California father has come forward to blast his school district for allowing a male-born transgender teen to play on a school volleyball team after his daughter was seriously injured by the trans player and lost the entire season while recovering. The father, whose real name is being kept out […]

Brussels Rolls Out Electronic Leash For Europeans With Introduction of Digital Identity Wallet

by Ethan Huff, SHTF Plan: Europe is digitalizing its people’s identification with a new “Digital Identity Wallet” program that many worry will allow the European Union (EU) tyrants in Brussels to manipulate and control the continent with greater ease. An agreement forged between the European Parliament and the Council of the European Union has established the creation […]