Exposing INFO WARS & ALEX JONES, Part II: The ‘Mind War’, Q-ANON, Cult Tactics & ‘Mind Architecture’…

In the previous article, I laid out why I think we should be sceptical of Alex Jones and Info Wars, based on various factors. In this follow-up article, I really want to square in on why we should be worried about ‘Info Wars’, its role in things and its possible purpose. I said that my […]

Exposing INFO WARS & ALEX JONES, Part I: Why Did the Big Tech Platforms REALLY Take Down Info Wars…?

First up, I should fully disclose my viewpoint: Alex Jones and Info Wars are psy-ops – psychological warfare/control operations, conducted primarily on Americans – but also substantially across the Western world. I’ve said this for ages. Which is why I had a mixed reaction to the Info Wars ‘banning’ story that was played out last […]

Meet The “Existential Threat” to Jews in Britain…

So the Labour Party is now “an existential threat” to Jews in Britain…? Really? I mean, think about what that language is actually supposed to imply or evoke. We’re not just being told about an ‘anti-semitism crisis‘ anymore, but an “existential threat“. An existential threat suggests something with the potential to grow into the Nazi […]

What’s Past is Prologue: ‘Rescuing’ the White Helmets & Storing Up Future Trouble…

You will have seen the headlines over the last week, concerning the ‘evacuation’ of the White Helmets from Syria. With the regime-change operation in Syria appearing to have stalled in either stalemate or failure (depending on who you ask), the Western-funded proxies had to be rescued – probably before Syrian government forces could capture them, […]

Is the ISIS/Jihadi Extradition Story a Red Herring for Julian Assange…?

Admittedly, I am guilty of mixing a couple of apparently unrelated subjects here: but, as you’ll see, there’s probably good reason for doing so. There’s a big debate currently going on in the UK. The big debate is over two brutal jihadists – Alexanda Kotey and El Shafee Elsheikh – and their extradition to the […]

Novichok, the 2018 World Cup in Russia & What COULD Happen Next Week…

Another two people have been allegedly poisoned by the Soviet-era nerve-agent ‘Novichok‘, this time in Amesbury. And Russia and England are both still in the 2018 World Cup, with just over a week left to go. Those probably seem like two unrelated statements: and maybe they are. Then again, maybe not. Regarding this latest alleged […]

China, 1984 and the New World Order…?

I noticed something curious recently, nestled away in one of the newspapers: that the Chinese government has apparently banned the classic book 1984  by George Orwell. There’s something that kind of speaks for itself when an oppressive government bans not just any old book, but something as specific as 1984. Orwell’s Animal Farm has also […]