politically correct

COINTEL PRO: Are ‘Anti-Fascist’ Media Personalities Playing to the Cameras?

21st Century Wire says…
In this age of hyper-politicized mass media, it’s becoming harder to differentiate between those who are acting for the cameras, and genuine political protesters. Considering the FBI’s own documented history of infiltrating left-wing activists groups in America, is it possible we are witness to some staged performances again?

Political Correctness: A Comprehensive Dictionary of Oblivion

Branko Malić
21st Century Wire
Political correctness is rightly considered to be a vague term. However, this by no means warrants anyone to infer that it doesn’t exist and sway our lives to an enormous extent. The very point of deeming something inexistent by pointing out that it is vaguely defined is a tell-tale sign of the real root of what we call “Political Correctness.”