politically correct

Is CNN creating Civil War?

I was not a fan of Trump, but I have to say, he has done a great job probably better than any world leader.
He has revised trade and has turned North Korea while your unemployment is now below 4% at 1960s level and you have a GDP growth of 4% while we have unemployment still in the 60% level among the youth and economic growth is at best 2.4%.

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It is hard to see why CNN turns everything negative.
It is really becoming blatant.

10 signs that America is in MUCH worse trouble than we all thought

Our cities are becoming cesspools, our nation is falling apart all around us, and it seems like the number of sick, twisted and depraved people is multiplying.
We still have a relatively high standard of living for the moment, but the only reason we can maintain that standard of living is because we are on the greatest debt binge in human history. And once that bubble bursts, I fear for what this nation is going to become, because things are getting really bad out there.

No Men-- Especially No Men In Public Office-- Should Ever Think They Are "Untouchable" When It Comes To Workplace Sexual Harassment

-by Valley GirlI wrote an email to Howie a few days back saying in part "I totally agreed with your tweet. This is what leadership should be about. It seems that they are not willing to name names because it will hurt their own careers. Howie, you have a lot of connections. Is there any way you could winkle this information out of someone? Get them to name even a few names?

Black Politician Explains Why Left’s ‘Racist’ Critique of Trump is Wrong

Is the Democratic Party really the ‘party of the oppressed” and of ‘blacks and minorities’? Critics have accused the Democrat Party has been accused of cynically cultivating a ‘dependence class‘ whose main function for the party is to bring home the minority vote every few years.
Were African-Americans better, or worse off – after eight years of a Democratic White House?

Charlottesville & The History of Violent Revolution – Jay Dyer on Boiler Room

This week on the show the ACR Brain-Trust is back with another meeting of the Social Reject Club in the No Friends Left Zone and the gang is discussing the aftermath of the Charlottesville protests and subsequent vehicle incident that left a woman dead. We examine the media psyops which aim to hoodwink the public into believing that there is a large force of racist neo-Nazis that consist of anyone right-of-center in the political spectrum and to tie them to President Trump.