political revolution

What's Next? A Look Into the Middle Distance

The Sack of Rome in 1527 by Johannes Lingelbachby Thomas NeuburgerDiverse pathes leden diverse folk the righte way to Rome.—Geoffrey Chaucer, A Treatise on the Astrolabe The following offers a brief look into the middle distance, a view past the immediate future — the next few weeks or months when the virus will run its predictable, consequential course — but not so long a view as to reach the logical next phase of human history, the reduction of the species by t

Bernie Sanders, Organized Labor & the Use of Force

Striking mill workers facing off with National Guardsmen in Greenville, S.C., in 1934. (Bettmann Archive/Getty Images)by Thomas Neuburger     Power concedes nothing without a demand.      —Frederick DouglassOne of the things I worry about in the coming election is not just whether a progressive will be elected, but whether enough of a progressive will be elected.

There’s One Way Bernie Sanders Can Still Win — but It’s Not How You’re Thinking

(ANTIMEDIAOp-Ed — Let’s travel back in time to January 20th, 2009 — the day of President Barack Obama’s inauguration. It was momentous, epic. People cried. People huddled in groups… and cried. The nation had stood together and fought back against the Empire, and now it was time for the Chosen One to go to work.

What About Sierra Blanca, Bernie?

Is Bernie Sanders really calling for revolutionary change, or is he just telling his base what they want to hear? 
Bernie Sanders made a cold political calculation in 1998 that affected the lives of hundreds of poor, powerless people half a country away. He did it because it would benefit his affluent, politically engaged constituency, and, in turn, benefit him.

Bernie: Give people good examples of a “political revolution”

Here’s a huge opportunity Bernie’s campaign can either take or lose. Bernie Sanders states that he wants to create a political revolution in order to fight the Billionaire Class and decrease inequality. Hugo Chávez did that in Venezuela. (Do a little research and you will be able to verify that fact using credible sources.) Wouldn’t we expect Bernie to grab this opportunity to counter the lies of the 1% about Chávez, and tell the truth? Tell the truth that such a political/electoral revolution is possible, and here is an example.