Ted Cruz tries to PREVENT Biden from enacting Vaccine Passports [Video]

This is truly the bonanza year or two for leftists. They got several wonderful gifts starting around January of 2020. They got the novel coronavirus, our all-too-familiar COVID-19. They got civil unrest. They got lockdowns. They already had a massive percentage of the American population thinking they are victims. They have had massive success in […]

Democrats CALL OUT crazy Maxine Waters

The Democrats are calling for civility in the matter of the latest immigration enforcement flap. However, this is not without calculated motives.
The Los Angeles Times reported that several prominent Democrats, ranging from former Obama chief adviser David Axelrod (also a Clinton-era assistant) to no less than Senator Chuck Schumer and Representative Nancy Pelosi, are urging Democrat constituents and voters to walk back the extremely vitriolic calls to personal harassment given by California Representative Maxine Waters, as reported here.