Police brutality

Jakarta: Force and Fraud at Home and Abroad. What’s Next?

Armed police transporting suspected members of a communist youth group, Jakarta, Indonesia, October 10, 1965.  Photo Credit: Vincent Bevins)
I’m guessing that “Jakarta Is Coming” or “Plan Jakarta” won’t elicit immediate recognition from most of you and until very recently that was also true for me. But before defining it, here’s a bit of necessary background:

Manipulating the Message: Police Attacks on Free Press and the Fencing in of Humanity

The evening before President Trump lumbered over to St. John’s Church for his infamous “photo op,” U.S. Attorney General Bill Barr quietly instructed all 56 regional departments of the FBI’s Joint Terrorism Task Forces (JTTF) to “identify criminal organizers and instigators” in the nationwide protests elicited by George Floyd’s murder.

Attorney Resigns From Use of Force Committee After Being Shot, Gassed by Denver Police

Elisabeth Epps, a Colorado-based attorney and bail activist, publicly resigned from the Denver Police Department’s Use of Force Committee last night after being shot and tear gassed by the same force she was trying to regulate. “Plenty of Black folks will shuck & jive for ya, it just can’t be me anymore,” Epps said via Twitter, sharing pictures of the welts across her body and legs from police gunshots.

Lee Camp: 19 Facts About American Policing That Will Blow Your Mind

With all the protests and anger and violence across the country, a justified discussion about policing has begun on our corporate media airwaves. (I would say the discussion is overdue, but in fact, we’ve had it roughly every three years for the past 40 years.) However, despite all the coverage, a deeper debate sits ignored – A debate about why our American police system exists at all, how it works (or doesn’t), and where it came from.
The following 19 facts about American policing will change everything you think you know. First, let’s start with the sheer amount of murder.

Austin Police Respond to Police Brutality Protest with Violent Crackdowns

The protests against police brutality, which have gripped the nation as a result of the police murder of George Floyd, reached the capital of Texas on Saturday as thousands of mostly young and outraged Austin residents of all colors flooded one of the city’s most vital arteries, taking over I-35 just where it overlooks Austin Police Department (APD) headquarters and blocking traffic until police were able to get them off.

The Minneapolis Putsch

Well, it looks like the Resistance’s long-anticipated “Second Civil War” has finally begun … more or less exactly on cue. Rioting has broken out across the nation. People are looting and burning stores and attacking each other in the streets. Robocops are beating, tear-gassing, and shooting people with non-lethal projectiles. State National Guards have been deployed, curfews imposed, “emergencies” declared. Secret Servicemen are fighting back angry hordes attempting to storm the White House.