police abuse

WATCH: Austin Police Officer Pepper Sprays Handcuffed Man Sitting in Police Van (Updated)

Austin police went on a pepper spraying rampage Thursday night, pepper spraying a handcuffed man sitting in the back of a police van as well as pepper spraying a pair of women who appeared to have been fighting.
In the first case, the man apparently had been kicking the back of the door after he had been arrested, prompting Austin police officer Cameron Caldwell to open the door and pepper spray him.
“Wow, you asshole,” yelled a woman who had recorded it. “I saw that, I got that on film, you abusive asshole.”

California Prosecutors Refile Criminal Charges Against 18-Year-Old After She Files Brutality Lawsuit

One day after Gabbi Lemos filed a lawsuit against the California sheriff’s office that had physically abused her during an arrest in which charges against her were already dismissed, prosecutors responded by refiling one of those charges.
Lawyers for the 18-year-old woman are now accusing prosecutors of retaliatory prosecution as they defend her against the new resisting arrest charge, saying they only did so to derail her lawsuit against the Sonoma County Sheriff’s Office.

Fort Lauderdale Cop who Slapped Homeless Man on Video Acquitted of Battery Charges Despite Assault Being Recorded

A Fort Lauderdale police officer who slapped a homeless man who had been sleeping on a bench at a bus terminal in downtown Fort Lauderdale was acquitted Wednesday by a jury of the charges despite the assault being recorded by a bystander.
Victor Ramirez, 25, was facing three misdemeanor charges, including two counts of battery and one count of falsifying records.
During the trial, he testified that he was trying to protect his gun from getting into the hands of homeless man, Bruce Laclair, and that Laclair was not complying with his orders to leave the bus terminal.

Arizona Cop Killed Man with AR-15 Rifle Inscribed with the Words “You’re Fucked” as Man Pleaded for His Life

Daniel Shaver may have had a few drinks in him when he was ordered out of his Arizona hotel room at gunpoint by a group of six screaming police officers last January.
The Mesa police officers were barking all kinds of orders; each one with a different demand, telling him to get down on his hands and knees and crawl towards them, to place his hands over his head, to sit on the floor and cross his legs in front of him.

Georgia Citizen Journalist Facing Five Years in Prison for Recording Political Event that was Open to the Public

Georgia citizen journalist Nydia Tisdale, who last year won a First Amendment award for fighting for her right to record in public, is now facing five years in prison for recording a Republican political gathering in 2014.
She was arraigned Tuesday on charges of criminal trespassing, misdemeanor obstruction of an officer and felony obstruction of an officer.
She pleaded not guilty.

WATCH: Florida Cop Body Slams Woman, Knocking Her Out, Then Claims She is Faking It (Updated)

A Florida mayor is saying we should not rush to judgment over a video that is going  viral, showing a Cape Coral police officer running up to a drunk woman arguing with her boyfriend who had taken her keys, then grabbing her and throwing her to the ground.
But the video, recorded early Sunday morning outside of a bar, leaves much to judge the cop on.
In fact, he has since been placed on paid administrative leave, even though his name has not been released.

Award-Winning New Jersey Cop who Shot and Killed Ex-Wife as Other Cops Watched Pleads Guilty

An award-winning New Jersey police officer who sent a text to his children saying, “your mother is dead because of her actions,” after shooting his ex-wife 12 times as several cops watched, pleaded guilty to aggravated manslaughter last week.
Neptune Police Sergeant Phillip Seidle had a long history of abusing Tamara Wilson-Seidle before he killed her on June 16, 2015 while his 7-year-old daughter watched in horror.

South Carolina Cop Pleads Guilty for Shooting Man Following His Orders

The South Carolina state trooper who pulled a man over for a seatbelt violation, demanding his identification – then shooting the man after he reached into his truck for his identification – pleaded guilty today to assault and battery charges.
Sean Groubert faces up to 20 years in prison if convicted, according to the Washington Post.

Georgia Cop Illegally Arrests Passenger Recording During Broken Tail Light “Investigation”

A video surfaced this weekend showing fast-talking, southern Georgia cop arresting a college student, just for being the passenger in a car with a broken tail light, after refusing to participate in the cop’s sham “investigation” of a minor traffic infraction.
It would spiral of control in under three minutes.
The cop started the traffic stop by saying, “You’d better step out of the vehicle, ma’am,” to ‘Kaylin’, the properly seat-belted driver – whose name we learned from the video you can see below.

Arizona Sheriff Denies Journalist Access to Press Conference After Explosive Investigative Report Proves Sheriff had Lied

A high-ranking sheriff’s official in Arizona refused to allow a television news reporter into a press conference on the basis that the reporter “hates the sheriff.”
But the reporter only exposed an embarrassing truth about Pinal County Sheriff Paul Babeu that the sheriff had been denying for years.
That he was, in fact, a sadistic schoolmaster who oversaw and encouraged the abuse of children during a prior career more than a decade ago in Massachusetts.