
Gobierno golpista boliviano detiene, expone y amenaza a observadores internacionales en vísperas de las elecciones

El gobierno transicional y no electo de Bolivia repetidamente ha amenazado a los observadores internacionales de los comicios, ha detenido a monitores argentinos en el aeropuerto, y publicado la información privada de los supervisores españoles mediante un activista de ultraderecha. Por Benjamín Norton Traducido por Diego Sequera You can read this article in English here. LA PAZ, BOLIVIA – En vísperas de las primeras elecciones en Bolivia desde el violento golpe militar de 2019 que forzó la salida de Evo […]

Elections in Spain weaken Socialist PM Sánchez. Vox Party surges to third

The Duran’s Alex Christoforou and Editor-in-Chief Alexander Mercouris discuss the recent elections in Spain where Pedro Sánchez of the Socialist Party (PSOE) has decided to agree on a coalition government with the anti-austerity Unidas Podemos, in an effort to prevent the rising Vox Party from forming a right, populist government.
Vox was the big winner of the elections in Spain, growing to become the third strongest party in Spain’s Congress.

Israel branded ‘illegal state’ by Spain’s Podemos party leader

RT | June 11, 2018 Israel has been branded an “illegal state” by the leader of Spain’s third-largest party, Podemos, for conducting an apartheid-like massacre at the Gaza fence bordering Palestine. “We need to act more firmly on an illegal country like Israel,” Iglesias Turrion told Spanish RTVE channel. Accusing the country of violating international […]

The Ugly Truth Behind The Greek Bailout

Christine Lagarde, the Queen of Troika and the Head Honcho of the IMF, on May 6th, threatened to pull the IMF out of the Greek rescue plan, with a straight face, calling it a “rescue plan.” Oh, please!
Yet, it is extremely doubtful the IMF would ever entirely pull out since the plan really bails out its own constituency of banks at an unfathomable expense to the Greek people.
Meantime in Greece, transportation and civic services throughout the country grind to a screeching halt, full stop, as the people hit the streets.

Fantasy Politics: “Corbyn’s Morons” and the “Sensible Approach”

In May, voters grasped Spanish political orthodoxy and shook it like a rag doll:

The anti-austerity party Podemos claimed its biggest victory in Barcelona, where activist Ada Colau seized control of the city hall. Podemos and Ciudadanos… made advances across the country that will give them a chance to shape policy for the first time.