
Atheist Debate: Jay Dyer Vs Detroyer on Logic / God – Politics Discord

A recent “debate” on one of the largest discord servers. Atheists are now arguing that informal fallacies are valid arguments, so feel free to now use nothing but ad hominems, since informal fallacies are valid arguments. “What is the justification for knowledge, ethics, and metaphysics in your worldview.”
Atheist Reply: the single mocule dimension isn’t a contradiction.
This hilarious low IQ reply wasn’t a coherent counter example, argument or justification.

Worldview Warfare & the Philosophy of Psychological Operations – Jay Dyer / Donald Davis

Author Donald Davis joins me to discuss his book on worldview warfare.  Davis has investigated multiple layers and levels of reality to construct a metaphysics of worldview warfare.  We will see here, at a meta level, the interconnectedness of spiritual warfare, the demonic, psychological operations, religious engineering, history, music and more, all collide to initiate the modern masses into a new paradigm.  Donald’s book can be purchased here. Live at 8PM CST 


The Multiverse & Big Philosophy Talk – Jimbob + Jay Dyer

Made by JimB0b joins me to discuss big philosophy questions in relation to debate, logic, life, meaning and the arts.  We will be covering atheistic materialism and its assumptions, Neoplatonism and its insights, how math relates to metaphysics, the question of the one and the many – what it is and how it relates to ontology and more! Live at 9Pm CST


Introduction to Philosophy: Aristotle – Jay Dyer / Fr Dcn Dr Ananias

Tonight we will examine the introductory elements of Aristotle and consider how he was highly influential on the Eastern fathers, especially St. Maximos and St. John of Damascus.  Together with the Neoplatonists, we want to uncover the delicate balance of ferreting out pagan assumptions from truth. Fr Dcn. Dr. Ananias can be found here. Tonight at 5PM CST! 

Debating Divine Conceptualism & Perspective Philosophy! Jay Dyer& Fr Dcn Dr Ananias

Discord’s home for politics. The official politics discord for debate, history, philosophy, polls, & live events. One of the most active politics discord communities! The large politics discord hosted another AMA with myself and Fr Dcn. which led to a couple debates. Perspective philosophy, a YouTuber who has long desired a debate, hops on to promote his brand of philosophy and modified skepticism against TAG.

The Truth About CV-I9

Everything here is contained in mainstream media reports. Today I give a summarized analysis of yesterday’s stream with a few minor updates. Since YT attention spans are actually 20 mins or less, I thought a boil down would be appropriate. I cover the techno roll out, UBI, red flags and b.o. issues, the white papers and the centralization in COG. The full analysis is here.

Essence, Energy & Aristotle – Dr. David Bradshaw, Jay Dyer, Fr Dcn Ananias

The eminent Orthodox scholar and professor Dr. David Bradshaw, author of the well-known book Aristotle: East and West joins me and Lewis and Fr. Dcn Dr. Ananias to discuss all the hot topics – Aristotle and his different use in East and West, the Orthodox fathers and philosophy, the essence – energy distinction in Aristotle and beyond, the Logos and the Logoi, the western conception of simplicity in Aquinas and Roman Dogma, natural theology, and the critics.