
Timeline of coronavirus responses show infantile Democrat reaction to Trump

Even though the US president is often seen to pivot in opinions about given points, the sum total of his maneuvering seems to work for the nation as a whole. The coronavirus pandemic is no different.
However, it does have to be acknowleged that the President has done what amounts to a complete 180-degree turn on his policy positions about the Wuhan coronavirus since the time it first made headlines back in December and January. He went from “it is not a problem” to “there is going to be a lot of death” over the three-month period.

The Pivot Has Come-- But, Predictably, In The Wrong Direction

By last February, long before it was no longer tenable for even Trump to keep clinging to Manafort-- now exposed as a well-paid operative of Vladimir Putin's-- Glenn Beck was routinely accusing the Breitbart website of being an arm of the Trump campaign and, according to RightWingWatch.org likening its executive chairman, Steve Bannon, to Hitler's propagandist Joseph Goebbels.

Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) - Threat To National Sovereignty

by Dr. Chandra Muzaffar Editor’s Note: The Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) trade agreement represents the economic arm of the US pivot to the Asia-Pacific region, and threatens to undermine the sovereignty of participating countries. Washington lacks a fundamental economic vision, and as its influence in the world continues to wane, the TPP is an attempt to harness the growth and dynamism of South East Asia’s tiger cub economies as a counterweight to China’s influence in the region.