
Kurdish Smuggling Of Oil From Syria has Been Supporting Global Terrorism & Israel

Saved in September of this year. More pertinent then ever in light of the fact that the US and their Kurdish proxies are intending to stay and continue stealing Syria's oil. Denying Damascus badly needed rebuilding revenue.LinkThis report is from the Syrian Network for Human Rights- For the purpose this post we're going to focus on one aspect of this report. That is the Kurdish smuggling of oil- with no accountability- Not including their sales to Damascus. Which I take issue with for entirely different reasons.

Turkey and Russia: A Remarkable Rapprochement

 Glad to know someone else is paying attention to the remarkable rapprochement of Turkey and Russia. And is paying heed to just how well Turkey and Russia have been working together.  For more years then many are acknowledging or care to be aware of. In Syria. And elsewhere. I've been following their dealings as close as possible and admit to being impressed by both leaders as they cooperate. Together. And with Iran in the Astana partnership.  We have to understand that it's not just a matter of Putin being a real diplomat.