
“The Limits of Relying on Disagreement Between Moscow, Ankara”

 If you prefer irrationality, (the quality of being illogical or unreasonable) which is bizarre (strange or unusual), this is not the oped for you.  So much of the information in the oped has been covered here for many years. Including Turkey's cooperation with Syria and Russia to clear Aleppo city, back in 2016... Yup, there are a number of reports covering that reality here at PFYT's. They will be relinked. Sane non sensational oped from aawsat @ Akram Bunni

Idlib Media Coverage Hyper Inflated To Prep For US Intervention In Syria?

 It's not at all clear if fighting has really intensified, since fighting has been consistent in Idlib for years now. How would the intensity be quantified?  It can't be and that's why the 'chicken little' approach to covering Idlib has been avoided here.   Much more likely is that media coverage has been hyper exaggerated to excuse (seek to defend or justify) a US intervention. Now that I can vouch for.

The Middle East Conflict You Haven’t Heard About?

Wall Street Journal published a piece claiming there’s a "conflict you’ve not heard about"Wrong! Readers here have heard/read about it. Having, in fact, been informed fairly extensively about the conflict, that is the subject of their oped.While others obfuscate, we’ve explored, as much as possible, in order to have a basic understanding of the situation.

JINSA Proposes US Military Forces Transfer from Turkey to Greece and/or Cyprus

The anti Turkey sentiment expressed everywhere has roots somewhere. It comes through think tanks, msm and  the alternative media. Some expressions of irrational anti-Turkey sentiment may be unwitting. A great many are witting. Managing our perceptions is paramount. Worth keeping in mind. All the time.Readers here surely know about JINSA ? If not.... JINSA

Russia & Turkey Opposed the 2011 Intervention in Libya- Their Voices Speak Loudest As They Work To End 9 Years of Chaos

RT- Scott Ritter - read entire oped at link

"Moscow and Ankara are not responsible for starting the conflict which has ravaged Libya, but they may have a decisive role in ending it, as they lead international diplomatic efforts at the Berlin peace conference. 

Khalifa Haftar: Friend of Israel, Not A Force for Good In Libya

Dedicated to the many dis/misinformants that populate the so called alt media, including Mark Sleboda,  MoA,  & 21st Century. While Canthama and other disinformers who resided at Syper,  extol the unimpeachable virtue of  Saint Haftar as everyday ritual.

Khalifa Haftar is not a force for good in Libya
