
Moving the goal post- Attacking ISIS. Attacking Syria- US training ISIS!

Of course, attacking Syria was always the real goal.  The ISIS illusion was just the smoke and mirrors to justify the initiating actions. Today we can really get a sense of the goal posts being moved. Or the smoke clearing? Whichever?Memes or mind viruses that have already invaded your consciousness are being reactivated1-Syria & chemical weapons

From "cancer" to "House of Blood". NATO media is meme generating for yet more war!

A news round upJordanFrom the UN’s new Jordanian Chief human rights abuser

"It would be a harsh, mean-spirited, house of blood, where no shade would be offered, nor shelter given, to any non-Takfiri in their midst," Zeid added.

A Jordanian speaking of takfiris...... Rich!What with all the training past and present in Jordan of those very same Takfiri.

James Foley “beheading” fans the war flames-Problem, Reaction, Solution

UPDATED James Foley? James Foley, whatever his situation or affiliations, knew going into a war zone came with potential repercussions. Including death. So...... why all the fuss?Allegedly, so?Problem, Reaction Solution1-Problem- How to sell the justifcation/need for wider war to the masses?Create a ‘beheading” story? Fan it up. Lots of coverage.

Air Corridors & Bogus Humanitariansim as cover for wider war in the Middle East?

BTW- Today's posting follows up on three previous posts concerning Iraq all three are linked here The Yazidi genocide narrative strains credulity- No fly zone by stealth And is also connected to this post?If you have been following along you're good to go!Recall this map?Oil pipeline localeMaps are

"Refugee camps" in Kurdish/Iraq- Kurds request No-fly Buffer Zone & Armed US Assist

I am having a bit of deja vu.  Deja vu, as in, this seems somewhat familiar...........Turkey plans refugee camps, in Kurdish held territory, in Iraq.The deja vu, for myself, and perhaps for long time readers here comes from the fact that Turkey built "refugee camps" at it's border with Syria.