
Russian Interview: The roots of ISIS/L run deep in the Pankisi Gorge, Georgia

Pankisi Gorge, Georgia, Western backed Islamists have been covered here at the blog previously. I will relink older posts at then bottom of this post.RFEurope- US propaganda outfit- makes news of this interview, for the sole purpose of discrediting the geographic/strategic role of Pankisi Gorge, Georgia in creating a very large stable of  NATO backed Islamist fighters. A kind of Islamist french foreign legion. A Gladio B, if you wish?

Is it Time for a "Persian Spring"? Destabilizing Iran

I see this article as total admission /acknowledgement of the complete falseness of all the Arab springs- Every last one of them created by the Western "democracies". Through front companies, charities, proxies etc., with the help of privatized military contractors, mercenaries and worse. All done under the cover of the NATO global tyranny umbrella. Killing, destroying, maiming, harming is big business!!!Oh, sorry, did I say killing, destroying maiming, harming is big business?

Oil price war with Latin America threatens Canada’s oil patch?

A price war is brewing between Canada and Latin America over who will satisfy U.S. Gulf Coast refiners’ hunger for heavy oil.The new Seaway Twin pipeline will almost double the amount of heavy Canadian crude coming to Gulf terminals and plants to about 400,000 barrels a day starting in January, according to Calgary-based based ARC Financial Corp.

Alexei Navalny- He's back! Was he ever truly gone?- Destabilizing Russia

Alexei Navalny he's back in the news! Did you all forget his past appearances?We will trip down memory lane in short order. First this, Navalny is a man of many labels. At least in western mainstream media. But the best use of brands & labels is to both identify and sell a product!  Navalny is a product. Being sold to the western mainstream audiences- Europe, Canada, US etc. In Russia, it's a different reality. Navalny is not really the ‘top opposition leader'. I am doubtful he is even a contender. Nor is he an "anti-corruption" blogger, that's just his role.