Piers Robinson

SYRIA: Pro-Regime Change Academic Bias in UK

The Toran Center for Strategic Studies appears to have been established in early 2016, just after Russia had intervened in Syria in September 2015, at the request of the internationally recognised government there. Toran means “the mother nation of all Turks worldwide” according to Ali Mourad, an investigative journalist, based in Beirut. According to the Toran website: The Toran Center […]
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The authoritarians who silence Syria questions

Long before the current fighting, western governments and Israel expressed a strong interest in overthrowing the government of Bashar Assad. In fact, their desire to be rid of Assad dates to at least the start of the “war on terror” they launched after 9/11, as I documented in my book Israel and the Clash of Civilisations.
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The Guardian, White Helmets, and Silenced Comment

The Guardian recently published an article claiming that critical discussion of the White Helmets in Syria has been ‘propagated online by a network of anti-imperialist activists, conspiracy theorists and trolls with the support of the Russian government’. Many readers were dismayed at this crude defence of a – presumably – pro-imperialist perspective, and at the unwarranted smearing of reasoned questioning based on evidence from independent journalists.

New analysis of Chilcot Report highlights deception at the heart of the ‘war on terror’

Whilst most debate has focused on questions relating to the overselling of intelligence that Iraq possessed weapons of mass destruction, the most important information to emerge from the Chilcot Report concerns the formation of the ‘war on terror’, according to an academic at the University of Sheffield. The Chilcot Report, published on June 6 2016, delivered damning criticisms of the […]