
Aquinas, Kant & Hegel: Critiquing the Continental Tradition – Jay Dyer (Half)

In this talk we move to Continental Philosophy and examine its origins and presuppositions, as well as the contrast to analytical philosophy. From Aquinas to Kant, we see the breakdown of philosophy from nominalism to empiricism, leading to the dialectics in Hegel’s Absolute Idealism. In the second hour, we move to Kierkegaard, Husserl and Heidegger.


Are aliens real? What are UFOs? Do they relate to Darwinism? What about the new age movement? What about MKAYultra? I think these all relate and the news has exploded recently with reports of the military “admitting” the presence of UFOs. Is this something new, or is this a regurgitated psy op? What about Hollywood and its endless promotion of the alien agenda? For the full talk be sure to subscribe to JaysAnalysis at the website for access to the archives.


Last Men or New Men? Nietzsche in the Global Age

Does Nietzsche have anything important to say to us, we the current inhabitants of a global age?
Nietzsche speaks of spiritual health as a result of the superabundance of the life force, of a Dionysian affirmation of one’s existence of one’s process of becoming what one is.
The courage of laughter is called for. A profound laughter that is in a position to negate what Nietzsche regarded as the worst possible thought: that existence, my existence, repeats itself over and over again without end, forever.

Metropolis – Hidden Symbols in Architecture & Film

We had the great opportunity to meet up with and interview Jay while he was here in Nashville. We got to speak to Jay a little bit about his background and some of his ideas he writes about in his books “Esoteric Hollywood Volumes 1 and 2”. We also talk about some of the sites we took Jay to on our Synchro-Mystical tour of Nashville. Join Jay D and Conspirinormal Podcast for a chat on revelation of the method!

Interview 1453 – Stephan Kinsella on Law Without the State

[audio mp3="
.mp3"][/audio]Stephan Kinsella joins us today to discuss the concept of law without the state. Is law and order possible without a state? What would that look like? And just what is "the law," anyway? Find out more in this fascinating conversation on law, history, philosophy and anarchy.