
Jerusalem & Athens – Jay Dyer & FrDcn Ananias Sorem (Half)

Fr.Dcn. Ananias Sorem returns to cover the relationship between Jerusalem and Athens – revelation and reason. Firstly, they are and aren’t in tension – and we’ll see how. Secondly, terms and words are not synonymous – there may be overlap at times, but the meanings of the words are unique in Orthodox theology. Second, we want to look at the Amazon synod, the relationship to Vatican II and perennialism and true and false ecumenism.


THX 1138 & Demolition Man – Primal Edge Health & Jay Dyer

#THX1138 #demolitionman #movies
In the next movie analysis stream we finally cover Long-requested analyses of THX 1138 and Demolition Man! The 70s meets 90s cheese in this dystopia fest that will blow the neon yellow out of your Snipes Fro and smear other such fluids all over your overalls, should you forget how to use the three sea shells.

Alien Demon Overlords 2! Alien Series, Fourth Kind, God Told Me To – Jay Dyer


In the next movie analysis stream we finally cover the alien franchise and take special note of the thematic influences, from Ridley Scott to Cameron to Fincher, Jeunet’s Alien Resurrection, Prometheus and Alien Covenant. We will cover tranzzhumanizm, HR Giger, esoteric weirdness, Dem GMOz, as well as the lesser known God Told Me To and The Fourth Kind. LIVE tonight at 6 PM EST 

Androgynous World Order – Jay Dyer & Collins Brothers

In this classic interview, I discuss the Collins brothers’ new article detailing the deeper motives behind the new world order’s designs with feminism and the alchemical androgynous programming we are being subjected to. Following that, we delve deeper into the cryptocracy and the shadow state, as well as looking at its use of cults and religious groups and the alien hoax. A must-hear lecture on geo-politics and worldview warfare! This interview was prophetic!

Greta: The New Religion is the Old Religion – Jay Dyer / JimBob

MadeByJimbob rejoins me to discuss the new religion being the old religion. He made a great cartoon of me chatting with Stefan, which was based. We will cover philosophy, ultimate principles, logic, religion, satire, social justice, Greta and more. Tonight at 10 PM EST 
He is best known through his popular Instagram.