
Doctor Sleep Vs The Shining! Esoteric Hollywood – Jay Dyer

Tonight we analyze and compare the themes and symbols found in the new sequel to The Shining, Doctor Sleep. A genuinely creepy follow up, it actually vindicates my analysis of The Shining. We will cover the esoteric and alchemical symbolism found in The Shining, and then the new, dark revelations of Doctor Sleep that ring true with reality. You can follow me on the backups below!


Genesis Explained 2 – Jay Dyer (Half)

We return to the Genesis series as we cover the second chapter and its significance for man, as well as the secret prophetic and symbolic meanings, recalling the patristic analysis as well as the canonical context and typology. Genesis 2 focuses on the covenantal relationship between man and God, while chapter was cosmic in scope. I also explain the silly fiasco with Inspiring Philosophy at the outset as well as how it’s necessary to follow me on the backups. Live at 630 PM EST