
Genesis Explained 3: Nephilim, Noah & The City of God – Jay Dyer (Half)

We move on to cover the two cities allegory of St Augustine – the city of God and the city of man, as both progress from the early age of man. The city of God is the Church, and the city of man is the city of humanism and Satanism, under the dominion of the devil. We will move from Genesis 4 to 6 and touch upon the Nehphilim and the typology and meaning of the story of Noah. The full talks can be found by subscribing to JaysAnalysis at the membership links.


Bahnsen / Stein Debate Review & Analysis – Jay Dyer

Today we do a full analysis of the greatest debate of the 2oth century – the Bahnsen/Stein Debate. Hopefully we will cover the many misunderstandings that arise from various sectors concerning the transcendental argument, the nature of proofs and evidences, the compatibility of philosophy with Orthodoxy, and especially this form of argumentation, the word-concept fallacy, calvinism and much more. Part 2 of the other talk will be up later tomorrow or the day after.


Alien Invaders and the Ethic of the Earth

Imagine this rather typical SF scenario: alien invaders arrive on Earth. They are vastly superior in intelligence, technology, and most importantly, ethics. They quickly perceive that Earthlings are a dire mortal threat to the Earth’s biosphere. They reason that they must take decisive action soon, or else the Earth will meet its biological death. What are they to do?

Food of the Gods – The Madness of Terence McKenna – Jay Dyer (Half)

Tonight we return to discuss the madness of Terence McKenna as we investigate a work of the psychonauts – The Food of the Gods!  As part of our globalization books series, I decided it was necessary to cover a psychonaut, since we have covered all the circles around these nuts – but not an actual nut.  As we will see, Terence’s book demonstrates a radical subversion of nature itself under the guise of enlightenment. LIVE at 6PM EST