
Luciferian Cults – Illuminate Confirm – Jamie Hanshaw (Half)

Jamie joins me to discuss the works of Kerth Barker, as we examine the nature of modern Luciferian movements behind the UN and worse.  In fact, the claims of Barker extend to predicting years ago the inversion we see nowadays, including kannibalism.  We cover the notion of the left hand all the way to the 8mm level stuff, if you think of the Nic Cage film.


Sam Tripoli of Tinfoil Hat + Jay Dyer – Upside Down World LIVE 5PM CST

Ya boi Sam joins me to shoot the shite and giggles for a discussion on all things comedic and conspiracy.   I want to know the craziest things Sam has seen in both worlds, how they overlap and what topics he thinks are utterly BS, which are gray area, and which are real.  Come ask this bigass world famous Hollywood BIGSHOT SOT CALLER comic hard questions in that superchat! We’re live on my channel at 5Pm CST!  Sam’s channel is here.


ELITE AT DAVOS: Americanism & The False Libertarian Dialectic – Jay Dyer (Half)

My analysis from two years ago has proven accurate! In our post-modern world, two contradictory presuppositions dominate: total and all-encompassing relativism and extreme mathematical quantification in terms of technological dominance. Globalism itself is the clearest manifestation of this double-think, with Trump as an icon of both. Corporatism, mammonism and relativism all coalesce into a satanic-based world order.