
The Moral Devastation of the Continued Occupation

I have long maintained that Israel’s occupation of the West Bank defies the moral principle behind the creation of the state. Contrary to Prime Minister Netanyahu’s assertion, the occupation erodes rather than buttresses Israel’s national security and cannot be justified on either security or moral grounds. Trump’s “deal of the century” is tantamount to perpetuating the occupation, which will be to Israel’s detriment.

From Catholic to Orthodox – Eastern Catholics Are the Death Blow to Papism – Jay Dyer

A discussion on Uniates and Eastern Catholicism from a former Uniate, Alexander, who moved to Orthodoxy. Our guests recounts his journey in the world of Uniatism, its philosophical and theological incoherence, the many competing claims and rejections of *ecumencial councils* and incoherence of accepting Orthodox saints! Eastern catholicism didn’t begin this nonsense after Vatican 2, either.


Stefan Molyneux Vs. Jay Dyer Debate: Philosophy & Its Claims!

As many of you have requested for several years, Stefan Molyneux has agreed to have an unmoderated conversational exchange and debate on the nature of philosophy itself, logic, epistemic claims, the value of “sense data” and empiricism, and much more!  Tune in to his channel at 8PM EST followed by a Q n A.  Not sure where this chat will go, but it should be lively!

Desiring Machines in the Age of Biocapitalism

The sophistication of our technological tools, with causality levels proper of the current interplanetary biocapitalism, have shot out the formation of new multicausal contexts, dispositionally bearers of new rules that trigger new causalities with systemic effects of global erasure of the dialectic molecularity that determined the dynamics relations of production/productive forces, with loss of autonomy on the part of the workers.

Eternal Logos, Apophaticism & Simplicity – Jay Dyer/Eternal Logos/Snek

Church of the Eternal Logos joins me and Snek to discuss his journey to Orthodoxy.  We will cover the theological and ideological side of his journey and how he went from an interest in the esoteric and alchemy and perennialism to the biblical revelation of the Logos.  We will also cover apophatic theology, dialectics, logoi and St. Maximos, and much more! LIVE AT 530 PM CST