
Beware of THIS Kind of Person…

Nina from Inside the Mind of a Human Predator joins me to discuss human psychology and maladaptive traits noticeable in that section of the population known as the narcissistic psychopath.  The narcissistic pscyhopath is not a large portion of the population, but often makes up the upper “1%” as those with no qualms with morals and taboos are much more likely to engage in underhanded methods – but it goes much deeper – the NP feeds on your time, energy and identity like a psychic vampyre!


Top 9 Ancient Cults & Heresies That Are BACK!

Long requested, I cover the topic of the best of the worst of the ancient heresies and how the same spirit behind them has manifested today under different names and guises. From Arianism to gnosticism to Origenism, we see how the realm of the demonic lacks any creativity. With evil, we get the same dialectical traps we always, have, as Hellenism and its atheism are rehashed in ways you don’t expect.


Israel’s Moral Culpability

Four ethical theories — Kantian, utilitarian, virtue-based, and religious — demonstrate the lack of moral foundation in the continuing Israeli occupation of the West Bank and especially in Trump’s “deal of the century”. In my previous article I discussed Kantian and utilitarian moral theories, and in the following I cover the virtue-based and religious theories as they apply to the occupation.

Fatima, Forgeries, Frauds & Fantasies: Jay Dyer / Snek / George (Free Half)

Tonight we cover the long list of papal forgeries long used for centuries to back up the more absurd papal claims, such as universal temporal and *monetary* supremacy.  We will look at the more well known examples like the Donation of Constantine, as well as lesser known documents, and in part 2 touch on Fatima and other so-called “apparitions” which now replace the  authentic direct experience of God with superstition and histrionics.  The full talk is available for subscribers to

Hollywood, DC – Sean Stone Doc. ft. Oliver Stone, Jay Dyer

Jay Dyer
The film and television industries may be America’s go-to source of escapism and entertainment, but the glossy magazine covers documenting celebrity meltdowns and box-office predictions serve as a convenient distraction from some of the lesser known connections tying together Hollywood and the nation’s national security establishment.

Top 10 Reasons Society is INSANE!

I clicked on one Dr Phil video and watched like 50. Then I decided to make this self help videoDr Phil agrees: society is losing it! The world is going nuts, cuckoo wacko and I am here to diagnose the illness. I give my top ten, from entertainment to buttz, and hopefully offer a healthy alternative to each. Donuts, sports, Nintendo and beers are your end, oh man. From consumerism and fiat to MK and buttz, it’s time to get healthy.