
Quarantine From Bathtub! Carunkavirus Analysis – Truthstream/Primal Edge on BR

Alternate Current Radio Presents: BOILER ROOM – The Great Boiler Room Quarantine Reality Radio Show continues on this Thursday night with Hesh, Spore, Jay, Tristan and Randy J. California is going on lock down, an absurd number of COVID-19 cases are being predicted by the politicians and National Guard troops are deployed. Will things return to normal… stick with us, we’ll see, soon enough.

Essence, Energy & Aristotle – Dr. David Bradshaw, Jay Dyer, Fr Dcn Ananias

The eminent Orthodox scholar and professor Dr. David Bradshaw, author of the well-known book Aristotle: East and West joins me and Lewis and Fr. Dcn Dr. Ananias to discuss all the hot topics – Aristotle and his different use in East and West, the Orthodox fathers and philosophy, the essence – energy distinction in Aristotle and beyond, the Logos and the Logoi, the western conception of simplicity in Aquinas and Roman Dogma, natural theology, and the critics.

Proof of God’s Existence & Logos – Jay Dyer with Rational Rise

#logos #philosophy #atheism James Higgins asked me on to discuss the transcendental argument and my previous debates. We assess the Matt Dillahunty debate, the Stefan debate and more, as well as discussing logic, metalogical claims and the notion of energies and the Trinity, as well as my analyses of Hollywood films.


Sigmund Freud VS. C.S. Lewis: God, Life & Love – Jay / Jamie (Half)

Jamie joins me to discuss and review the book The Question of God: CS Lewis and Sigmund Freud Debate God, Love, Etc. The compares two radically different paradigms on how to deal with life’s big questions.  The work is a summation of a class taught at Harvard Medical Class dealing with ethics and psychology.  Part 2 will be available for paid subscribers to my work.   Moved to Tues. night due to lost power cord. LIVE in 10 mins!!