
CV is Really About Technocracy

I did a 2 hour summary of the 40+ lectures on globalization, but we haven’t done a 20 minute boil down. Here we summarize once again the writings of the elite the last century and explain the overall plan for international governance, UBI and more. Scientism is the new religion of mankind, combined with the return of shamanism and the esoteric as mankind acquiesces to the virtual.

The Happy State

Imagine if you will the following: Country A has a government which provides its citizens with free and adequate housing and two special daily pills free of charge. The first pill contains all daily nutritional requirements while the second pill guarantees a sense of happiness and contentment throughout the day and night. Our question then is: would such a state of affairs be both good and desirable?

Psychological Warfare, Skepticism & Worldviews – Jay Dyer on Cylinder Podcast with Will Reusch

Jay Dyer is someone deeply familiar with occurrences “behind the scenes of the mainstream” awareness and supports his ideas with a wealth of knowledge about philosophy and American culture. Will and Jay use this hour to discuss some of the most popular theories as well as what acts as fuel for the spread of such ideas.

Top 10 Virus Outbreak Movies for QUARANTINE!

From V for Vendetta to Omega Man, you’ve probably forgotten which are the most relevant outbreak movies. Which have the most predictive aspects, and which are the best as quality films? In this video I Gove my top 10 slash 11, slash 12 slash 14 or so, and guide you through the revelations and propaganda. Snuggle up to Quarantinqua and grab some decontamination donut powder and a handful of Gwyneth Paltrow’s GOOP.

Jesus in Islam & the Bible: An Exchange – Jay Dyer / Nazam Goffoor

An impromptu discussion and exchange on the Person of Christ in the texts of the law of Moses, the prophets, the writings and the New Testament.  Nazam is an apologist who focuses on exegesis of the Koran and its relationship with other religions like Christianity and the Jewish law.  We will examine these issues. His channel is here.

The Truth About CV-I9

Everything here is contained in mainstream media reports. Today I give a summarized analysis of yesterday’s stream with a few minor updates. Since YT attention spans are actually 20 mins or less, I thought a boil down would be appropriate. I cover the techno roll out, UBI, red flags and b.o. issues, the white papers and the centralization in COG. The full analysis is here.

Death of the “Usual”: Economic Evolution and the Emergence of the New

Humanity is faced with a series of self-made, interrelated crises, from the environmental catastrophe to poverty, inequality, the absence of peace and an unprecedented level of displaced persons, among other pressing issues.  All have been brought about by the negative behaviour of mankind, by the pervasive modes of living, the corrosive values and ideologies that dominate all aspects of contemporary life.