
Bad Trip Report: What I Saw

This is about when I was an idiot teenager, not recently. It’s been years since I told this story and it’s always requested. The bad experience was one of the catalysts for my spiritual quest. The ancient shamanic vision was concerned with tapping into the psychosphere and attaining occult powers thereby: instead, the more common experience may often be a deception that plays on human vanity and pride. When we open ourselves up to these realms, entities can step in.

Scanners, Society, Ghoulies, Phantasm & MORE Crazy B Movies!

Time for another fun chill stream. Jamie and I revisit one or two of our old podcast episodes that should now be video! We chose a few of our favorite B movies to revisit, most of which have some relevant messages worth analyzing, along with a few new ones. We will analyze and re-analyze Scanners, Ghoulies, Parents, Phantasm, Society, Nightbreed, and The Stuff. The esoteric meets the absurd, as well as quite a few surprises that emerged along the way.

Change Love and the Need for Unity

Much needs to change in our world, and while this was clear before Covid-19, the pandemic is highlighting festering issues and creating a space in which to re-access current modes of living. New and just socio-economic and political systems are required together with positive values that encourage the good. Mankind needs to learn to share, to live more simply, to cooperate and to create a world free from conflict, and the planet needs to be allowed to heal. The list is long, but everything is interrelated.

Human Rights and Natural Facts

Where do human rights come from? And can we establish a firm philosophical base for their existence?
For Hobbes, a thin version of human rights stemmed from the fact that humans want to persist in their existence by doing whatever necessary to preserve their own life. From this, Hobbes deduced that humans have the “natural” right to always protect their own lives. This is generally believed to be the modern start of human rights theories.

CV, Gill Bates & Technocracy Heroes – Jay Dyer + Primal Edge Health

Tristan joins me to cover the latest madness as it pertains to the real story of CVI9 and the spread of carunka.  We will look at the ways in which psychological ops work, how global elites have ‘warned’ of coming panicdemics, how Jeffstein Effrey fits into this, as well as much more!  We will also cover the health and diet angle – hour 2 will be for paid subs.


We’re Living in 12 Monkeys

“We are slowly realizing like a creeping horror this is what we’ve been reporting on all these years and didn’t know it. So many agendas coming together under one giant umbrella. Love you guys. Please share this one. It’s important. And please join our Patreon if you can. We’re just trying to keep the lights on and keep going and get our next big film done. Much love, Aaron & Melissa.”
See also my take: