
Lucifer & His Boys – Jay Dyer / Michael Witcoff

Michael Witcoff spoke with me last year about his book On the Masons and Their Lies, and last week we discussed the nature of transcendental arguments and presuppositionalism in relation to Orthodox theology and St. Maximos the Confessor’s doctrine of Logos/logoi.  Tonight Michael rejoins me to discuss Lucifer, spiritual warfare, cults and secret societies, demonology and more!


Of Friendship and Politics

Although it is somewhat banal to say, it should never be forgotten how the First World War traumatized the political and cultural life of Europe, especially in the German speaking world. Heidegger’s, Jasper’s, Freud’s, Junger’s, Hesse’s (not to mention Hitler’s) inter-war works are unthinkable without this bloody caesura in European history. In a profound sense, the inter-war period in Germany (but not only) could be viewed as a psychic expression of what we would call today: Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.

The Post-Human World

What is tr@nshumanism? How do we understand the push for a post-industrial world? In this video I outline the meaning of terms, who invented them, what circles they were part of and how to understand their writings in terms of future projections. We cover Charles Galton Darwin, Bernays, the Huxleys and more. Please be sure to like, share, comment and subscribe.

St. Maximos, Logos/Logoi & Worldview Apologetics: Fr Dcn Dr Ananias / Jay Dyer on Bro. Augustine Podcast

Our frend Michael Witcoff speaks to me and Fr. Dcn Dr Ananias on his podcast concerning our new project on Orthodox apologetics and argumentation and how to integrate transcendental arguments in a coherent way.  We cover apologetic methodology, the chapters we have complete so far, the projected audiences, how we look at Thomistic philosophy and theology and its (inadequate) apologetic, and why the transcendental argument for God is much more biblical, patristic and philosophically sound.