
The Great Reset: The Hidden Globalist Agenda with Jay Dyer / IlluminatiWatcher

Today we are joined by Jay Dyer! We hear his take on the Globalist agenda unveiling itself in 2020- from C0VID19 to the pr0tests to the Medical Health Tyranny! We go hard in the paint on the Richard Day tapes, Kessler, the “New Normal”, the World Economic Forum’s “Great Reset”, cults, CIA psyops, Project Blue Beam, the Illuminati Card Game, Davos, Revolutions, and much more! You won’t want to miss this one- great knowledge drop!!!

Dr Shabir Ally / Jay Dyer Debate: Is Jesus God Incarnate? Answers in Scripture, History & Logic

Dr. Shabir Ally joins me to discuss the Person of Christ.  What are the Orthodox Christian arguments in these three fields?  What are the Islamic arguments?  Dr. Shabir joins me for a formal debate on this topic moderated by Kyosan from the Politics Discord.  The debate is Saturday at 5PM EST. Dr. Shabir Ally can be found here, and Kyosan and the Calliopean discord can be found here:


Protests, The Purge & Controlled Chaos

In this video, I analyze the recent mass media obsession events which, as usual, aid the establishment. What are the origins of mobs and protests? Can they be manipulated? How does it relate to Soviet Agitprop? What are the social engineering uses of mobs and “protests”? Why does the media always ignore the funding of these groups by NGOs, etc? Here is the documentary mentioned, as well as another relevant video.

To Be a Dissident

What does it mean to be a dissident?
At its simplest, it means to critically engage with and seek to change the material and the ideological structures of the society in which you find yourself, whether local, national, regional, or global.
It means the ability to say “no” to those in power, even if the immediate opportunities for real change are seemingly minimal to non-existent.
It is continuous intellectual and moral opposition in the face of repression and/or marginalization or both.