
The Multiverse & Big Philosophy Talk – Jimbob + Jay Dyer

Made by JimB0b joins me to discuss big philosophy questions in relation to debate, logic, life, meaning and the arts.  We will be covering atheistic materialism and its assumptions, Neoplatonism and its insights, how math relates to metaphysics, the question of the one and the many – what it is and how it relates to ontology and more! Live at 9Pm CST


Top 10 or 3 Ways the World Ends with Jay Dyer ROASTED

Tonight we chill and examine the news and speculate on happy topics like the end of the world.  What are the likely ways the end comes?  Will there be blood moons?  Blood moon pies?  Will there be th0ts?  Will there be Shoneys Big Boys?  Will I still use my bodily functions?  Will we still be have our Bitcoin? We’ll also cover some forgotten films and I’ll read the best roasts of me from twitter and elsewhere.

Atheism And Luciferianism Dismantled – Jay Dyer on Inf0Warz

Hosting the 4th hour of the hAlex J0nez Show again, I cover Fr. Seraphim Rose’s famous book Nihilism, which captures the spirit of our age.  Nihilism is an outworking of atheism, and the further stages of the social rejection of God and even reason itself.  When God is rejected, “reason” becomes the next deity, but that false god soon falls as well.   In this improv lecture I outline real philosophy and objectivity over against relativism and materialism.


The Orthodox View of Scripture

Apologist Sam Shamoun, the Assyrian Encyclopedia, invited me on to discuss the Orthodox view of Tradition and Scripture, why we don’t accept sola scriptura, and how this contrasts with the other guests Sam had on. Dr. Robert Sunegnis presented a 2 hour talk that failed to really even address the actual issues, and Anthony Rogers presented the Calvinist view. In my talk I respond to both views, and stress the importance of this question.

Propaganda and the Fragility of Hope

In my experience, big events (like THIS one) and powerful social movements (like THAT one, oh you know, back a ways ago) do not appear out of nowhere, but can rather be traced back to what first appears as imperceptible shifts in the narrative ethers and in each of our views of the world around us.
Sure, we may THINK we think with our brains, but reason and logic are just the functional tip of an iceberg of conditioned responses and programmed behaviors that rise up from below and seize sub-conscious control of our thoughts and behaviors.
Let me apply an example.

Stephen Hicks: Postmodernism, Socialism and Nazism

Prof. Stephen Hicks is a philosopher who is well known for his expertise in demystifying postmodernist ideology. His insights into postmodernism and political correctness have extra significance today as we see university progressive activism spilling out into the streets. Can western society proceed forward based on post-Enlightenment principles of reason and critical thinking, or will it digress backward into degeneracy?

Unitarianism, Trinity & Monarchy of the Father – A Discussion

Dr. Beau Branson joins me for a round table discussion with Carlos Xavier of the Human Jesus to discuss the controversial aspects of the history of patristic and biblical debates about dogmatics.  We will cover OT and NT texts, the patristic era and the philosophical and metaphysical questions of who Jesus was and what the evidence supports in terms of dogmatic claims.  Tonight at 7PM CST