
Men, Women & Relationships – Part 2! – Jay Dyer / Jamie Hanshaw (Half)

This is the first half of a full show for subscribers to my site. Jamie returns to discuss with me the next installment of men and women issues – are relationships salvageable in modernity?  Can we really have a fruitful relationship without God?  In this latest installment we pick back up with new Orthodox materials and talks Jamie has been studying lately.

Icons, Idols & Iconoclasm – Jay Dyer / Snek

Snek joins me to discuss the nature of iconoclasm and its gnostic roots.  Man, made in the image and likeness of God, is a little icon of the Triad, say St. Maximos and St. Gregory Palamas.  Iconography is thus a natural outworking of the incarnational principle.   The sanctification of matter is part and parcel of the Word becoming flesh. Live at 5PM CST

Worldview Warfare & the Philosophy of Psychological Operations – Jay Dyer / Donald Davis

Author Donald Davis joins me to discuss his book on worldview warfare.  Davis has investigated multiple layers and levels of reality to construct a metaphysics of worldview warfare.  We will see here, at a meta level, the interconnectedness of spiritual warfare, the demonic, psychological operations, religious engineering, history, music and more, all collide to initiate the modern masses into a new paradigm.  Donald’s book can be purchased here. Live at 8PM CST 


Great Reset / Fourth Industrial Revolution / Davos – Jay Dyer (Half)

Having read Klaus Schwab’s new book Fourth Industrial Revolution, I will bring you the new installment of the elite books series.  We will look at what Klaus says Davos has planned, the continuity across spheres, the layers, the use of crises, the new economy, and other so called fantastical ideas of the Great Work that are glibly discussed at the elite level (that you cannot!).  Live at 5PM CST 


Spiritual Warfare & Historical Theology – Jay Dyer on Robyn Riley Rebel Podcast

Popular YouTuber Robyn Riley invited me on her channel to discuss Orthodoxy, how it contrasts with Roman Catholicism, philosophy, the weirdness of Hollywood, and more!  We cover Vatican I as contrasted with the canons of the ancient ecumenical councils, the nature of liturgical worship, the power of the demonic in the world of Roman Catholicism and the geopolitical corruption of the papacy.